In an off-season that is producing a lot of steps in the wrong direction for the league (Kevin Lowe!) as well as the Habs (Smolinski, Kostopoulos), this move fits right into the senselessness.
What on earth could Bob Gainey be thinking offering a contract to Brisebois? A player who was the original untradeable burden we experienced in Montreal. With his swagger and arrogance, he eventually forgot what little he knew about playing hockey and turned full time into a giveaway machine. Never one to shy away from a hit, oh I meant never one to not shy away from a hit, he could make Sheldon Souray look like a Norris trophy winner. So what is it about him then?
Do we need an extra defenseman? Not as far as I can see: Markov, Komisarek, Hamrlik, Streit, Bouillon, Dandenault, Gorges, Valentenko, O'Byrne, ...
Does it increase competition for a position? Well not for the top four it doesn't, as Brisebois never measured up to that calibre. Maybe for the 6th spot. I think there would have been enough competition for that place anyway. Besides what kind of message is: To make the team you just have to be a bit better than an aging Patrice Brisebois?
Do we need a French speaking star? Yes. But he's no star. An extra French voice for post-game interviews? I hope it's not this.
Are we moving Streit to forward permanently? I hope not, as our forward group is stronger than the defense. Not only will Streit eventually lose out, but a lesser player will take his place at the back.
Is it a move for veteran presence? Again? Isn't that the only conceivable explanation as to why we got Smolinski?
Maybe there are no other options on the free agent market. A quick look shos me that there are many UFA options. Berard or Markov would be alright, I suppose. At least they have no horrible painful history here. Then, there are plenty of one-year 6th D options out there.
I must say I had nothing against Brisebois as a Hab in the early days, but once he started taking things for granted and coasting and throwing his arms up after every goal, I soured. I soured hard, and it stills smarts, so I'm not ready for the goodbye tour, if that's quite alright.
In my opinion, this offer defies all logic. Let's hope the self-centered, arrogant, golf-course pissing, Ferrari-driving, thinks he deserves everything based on his Cup ring, "defenseman" also defies all logic and turns down the offer.
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